Participants in the professional development workshop "Deepening the Understanding of Symmetry with Mosaics." 

Professional development workshops for the teachers has always been a focus of mine. For years I created workshops for the Teacher Resource Center of the Education Department of the Cleveland Museum of Art. 

I’ve been  a Kennedy Center Fellow in the Initiative to Developing Effective Workshops for Teachers. This program teaches creating professional development workshops that forge relationships between the arts and other parts of the curriculum. For the Kennedy Center I developed the workshop "Deepening the Understanding of Symmetry with Mosaics" which I've offered in numerous workshops for teaching staffs.  this year is "From Geometry to Escher: Teaching Tessellations in Math and Art". I also give skill building workshops for art teachers during annual professional days. One of the most popular of these workshops is Sounds of the Earth, creating musical instruments from clay, which also teaches the physics of sound. In addition, I'm always developing new programs. Please contact me at 216-225-0368 or e-mail me at [email protected] to discuss how I can assist your school system in staff development.

Teachers participating in "From Geometry to Escher: Teaching Tessellations in Art and Math" proffessiona development workshop. View a video of the workshop at 

Up, Up and Away! The Art, Science and Geometry of Making and Flying Kites. The latest of my professional workshops explores the physics of flight

This website, its text and images copyright 1999-2025 by George Woideck Ceramic Artist LLC